Other Services
$99.95 fee for up to 1,000 feet (measured from closest available access terminal) of single fiber self-supporting drop fiber and ONT.
Fiber Internet Activation Fee
$99.95 fee for up to 1,000 feet (measured from closest available access terminal) of single fiber self-supporting drop fiber and ONT.
$49.95 fee per telephone line
Telephone Activation Fee
$49.95 fee per telephone line
$99.95 fee per Cable TV box
Cable TV Activation Fee
$99.95 fee per Cable TV box
$14.95 monthly fee per IP address
Static IP Fee
$14.95 monthly fee per IP address
$67.95 per month + taxes and fees
Gigabit Fiber Internet
$67.95 per month + taxes and fees
$67.95 per month + taxes and fees
DSL Internet
$67.95 per month + taxes and fees
$29.95 per month + taxes and fees per line
Telephone Service
$29.95 per month + taxes and fees per line
$114.95 per month + taxes and fees
Cable TV Service – Basic
$114.95 per month + taxes and fees
$54.95 per month + taxes and fees
Cable TV Service – Lifeline
$54.95 per month + taxes and fees
Local Cable TV Franchise Fee
Fee assessed by local municipality for the privilege of providing Cable Television service.
ConnectME Fund Surcharge
The fund is being established to expand or improve the deployment of broadband availability and wireless service charges in unserved or underserved areas of Maine. It is percentage based.
ConnectME Statewide Broadband
The fund is being established to expand or improve the deployment of broadband availability and wireless service charges in unserved or underserved areas of Maine. It is a per line fee.
E911 Surcharge
The 911 Service Fee is a state charge that supports the cost of providing 911 emergency services. It is charged per line.
Federal Universal Service Fund-LD
Federal Universal Service fees pay for federally mandated subsidies to phone service for low-income households, people in areas where phone service expenses are high, and schools, libraries, and rural health-care facilities. It is a percentage-based fee.
Maine Universal Service Fund
This fund is designed to assist rural local exchange carriers in providing service to rural areas. It is percentage based.
School and Library Fund Surcharge
This fund is designed to provide affordable access to information services for all of Maine's schools and libraries. It is percentage based.
Service Provider Tax
A state sales tax on telecommunications services imposed by the Maine Department of Revenue. It is percentage based.
Maine Sales Tax
A state sales tax on goods imposed by the Maine Department of Revenue. It is percentage based.