Watch TV Everywhere
Watch TV Everywhere FAQs
What is WatchTVEverywhere? WatchTVEverywhere (WTVE) has a lot of different definitions. For us, it is TV programs that are available on something other than a TV set. That means your PC, laptop, iPad, iPhone or Android.
What are the benefits of WTVE? The WTVE service from Pioneer Broadband is free to qualified customers. There is no extra charge to use it. In order to qualify for this service, you must subscribe to a Basic or higher cable TV package. WTVE includes live TV and full episodes of current TV shows.
How much does it cost? At this time, there is no extra cost for WTVE, so our customers can feel free to explore the site. There should be nothing available at the WTVE site that should result in an extra cost to you (except any possible overage charges from their cellular or data carrier).
Where can I Watch TV Everywhere? The answer is just about everywhere. WTVE works virtually anywhere you can receive an Internet signal: inside your house, at the office, shopping mall, hotel, airport, vacation home, etc. Wired connections and in-home WiFi will provide the best quality. The quality of WTVE signals while roaming (airports, stores, etc.) will vary depending on the strength of the signal. You should be extra careful when you travel, especially outside the US. Data roaming charges may apply and they can be very expensive.
What programs are available? Different networks make different programs available at different times. Each TV network determines the programming they will make available on WTVE. For example, the live feed of CNN is available. However, the live feed of TBS is not. Instead, TBS offers full episodes of their popular programs. Why aren't all programs available? A TV network doesn't necessarily own all of the rights to all of the programs they transmit. A TV network may have the right to transmit a movie, but only to TV sets, not on WTVE. So, once again, it depends on the TV network.
Will other networks become available? Yes. We are working with many different program providers to expand the number of networks and the number of programs available on WTVE. Registered users are presented with a complete list of all the networks available to them. Customers will see the list automatically updated when new services are added.
How does a viewer use WTVE? It is easy to start using WTVE. The first step is registration. Go to the www.WatchTVEverywhere.com. Select Pioneer Broadband as your TV provider from the drop down menu. Click on "Register." You should see a registration screen. Please note: you will need two pieces of information from your Pioneer Broadband cable TV statement in order to register: Your customer account number (this will be the last 6 digits of your account number found at the top of your bill) The correct spelling of the customer name on the account (this can also be found on the billing statement) You will be asked to: Enter a verification number. This is the number in gray to the right of the verification field. Provide an email address. (This can be any valid email address, and will serve as the username for the WTVE account.) Provide a password, select a password reset question, and supply the answer to the password reset question. You should then click on "Register" at the bottom of the page. You should then go to your email and check the inbox. You should have received an email message including a WTVE activation link. Click on the link to complete the registration process. For additional help with registration, click the “learn more” link in the top menu on the main page to access a short informational video. It is important to keep your username and password confidential. Use of WTVE account credentials by unauthorized parties can result in loss of WTVE privileges.
Once registered, how do I view WTVE? Visit www.WatchTVEverywhere.com. Click on “log in”. Enter the username (this is the customer email address) and password. Select the TV Network you want to watch. Click on the network. A list of the available programs will be reflected.
What WTVE programs can I view? Once registered as a qualifying customer, you can watch any WTVE program as long as you are a subscriber to that network. For example, you must be an A&E subscriber to watch A&E's WTVE programs. Which devices can be used? Almost all WTVE programs are available on all devices (PC, laptop, iPad, iPhone, Android phone). Some TV networks have not made their programs available on all devices. How many different devices can I use? The number of active users on an account is limited to four.
Does watching WTVE count against my mobile data plan? It might. You should check your data plan before watching WTVE on a smart phone or wireless network. WTVE programs transmit a lot of data. That can become expensive if you have a limited data plan. You are responsible for all of the charges from your mobile carrier.
What if I tried to register and cannot? We provided a customer download file (once daily) to WTVE authenticating our eligible customer base. If you are still having issues registering, feel free to contact us.
Is there a minimum broadband speed required for viewing WTVE? Most content provided at the WTVE website will work on any cable/dsl modem. However, some buffering has been experienced with 3MB connections. The minimum speed required can vary by network. The recommended broadband speed is 6MB or higher for streaming services.
Are special apps required for streaming WTVE services on devices such as PC, laptop, iPad, iPhone, Android phone? For some networks, specific apps may be required on certain devices. Many of these apps are available for free download.